Memorial Gifts
Agape Living Endowment Fund of Forbes United Methodist Church
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Many of you know of the many good activities that foundations do. The Depot Foundation, The University of Minnesota Foundation, The Guthrie Foundation, and The Minnesota Orchestra Foundation are just some of the well-known Minnesota Foundations. Our Agape Living Endowment Fund works in the same way. Contributions to the Agape Endowment Fund are not used for current expenses, but continue to earn dividends and capital gains. Each year about $800.00 to $1,000.00 goes into our local account to support the current year’s program needs. And your contributions to the Agape Living Endowment Fund will support the mission of Forbes UMC far into the future.
Here are some ways to designate your contribution to the Agape Living Endowment Fund.
Your contributions to the Agape Endowment Fund may remember your parents, in memory of someone who has been influential in your life, the birth of a child, a baptism, a wedding, an anniversary, a birthday, or some other significant event in your life. You may want to celebrate the life of someone close to you by a gift from an estate.
Besides gifts of cash, you may want to consider giving a gift of appreciated stock or bonds to the Living Agape Endowment Fund. The advantage to you is a tax write-off of the current value of the stock. The advantage to the church is that as a non-profit organization, the church pays no tax on the dividends or capital gains.
You may use Web page online giving or form available in the church office to designate your gift, or simply write a check to Agape Endowment Fund, Forbes UMC with a memo or note attached. Your contribution will be recorded, acknowledging your gift and what it is celebrating.
Remember that the AGAPE Living Endowment Fund is your gift that keeps on giving year after year.
A memorial is a contribution one makes in memory of a person who has died. To give a gift in another's memory is to express the respect and love that continues beyond death.
Forbes United Methodist Church encourages memorial giving as a part of one's Christian stewardship. The Memorial Committee seeks to assist persons in giving memorials by providing information and suggestions.
A memorial may be established through the Memorial Committee or pastor in one of the following ways:
1. You may contribute a memorial gift directly to Forbes United Methodist Church. The Memorial Committee will then send a card to the family of the bereaved indicating that a memorial gift has been given by you.
2. You may give your memorial gift directly to the family, who may then establish a memorial through our Memorial Committee.
Memorial contributions are deposited in a special Memorial Fund Account, where they remain until used to purchase a memorial.
Your gift may be designated for a specific purpose, or, if you leave it undesignated, its use will be left to the discretion of the Memorial Committee. If there are stipulations, specific limitations or expectations regarding a particular memorial, they must be reviewed and accepted by the Board of Trustees.
Memorial gifts are recorded in the Memorial Records Book.
The Memorial Committee invites you to consider memorial giving as a way of honoring those special people who have enriched your life.