Forbes United Methodist Church Missions Committee
Carol Johnson
Forbes is a Mission-based church community. The Missions committee and the entire congregation contribute time, money and energy to local, regional, national and international missions. We promote donations of food, clothing, supplies, educational support, advocacy and disaster relief for individuals and families in need of these services. Organizations within our church provide financial and hands-on support to the following organizations: Harbor House, Proctor food shelf, Kids clothing closet, Bethany crisis center, CHUM , Second Harvest Food Bank, Area Arrowhead Agency on Aging, Diabetes Association, UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), Holiday food baskets , military seafarers, Union Gospel Mission, Damiano Center, North Country Ride, Relay for LIfe cancer drive, Habitat for Humanity, ACT (Area Churches Together) ministries, camp scholarships, Life House, Proctor school supply collection, and on-going support to our Missionary in Liberia. Our church has a history of youth and the adults working together on projects that contribute to the needs of others.