
Pasty Sale - October

 PASTIE SALE COMING UP OCTOBER 12th 2024 Circle the following dates on your calendars and get ready for fun and fellowship! Thursday, October 10th is set up day 9 AM. Friday, October 11th will be the prep day. 8 AM. Saturday, October 12th is production day. 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Monday, October 14th is clean-up day at 9 AM. Sign up sheets will be in the Narthex for orders and workers. Two ways to place your orders: #1 Place order on the sheet in Narthex beginning September 22nd. #2 call the following based on the first letter of your last name beginning September 22nd. Pasties are now $6.00 each. A thru G Barb Kivisto 218-590-3993 H thru N Carol Lonke 218-626-5801 O thru Z Lorrie Parmeter 218-390-4957 Want to volunteer your time to work, sign up on board in narthex or contact Donna F

Eat Before Trick or Treat

Hotdogs and Hot Chocolate at Forbes Church! Thursday, 10/31-24, From 4:30-6pm FREE TO ALL 33 Grove Street