There are several ways to give back to Forbes missions and ministries.

Our Tools for Giving include.

  • Prayers
  • Presence
  • Gifts

a.      The collection Plate a Worship Services for checks and cash.  If you have a pledge envelope and contribute this way, please use your envelopes to help church counters credit your gifts for your tax benefit.

b.      eGiving – or electronic giving.  A secure, automated, self-service method to contribute from your checking/savings account or credit card directly to Forbes UMC.  You can contribute one time or on an ongoing basis.    Select the blue donation button on the right side of this page.

c.       Online Bank Bill Pay is offered by most banks or credit unions and lets you set up and pay your pledge electronically (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly) without hand-writing a check.  Your contributions come to the church in a timely way, even when you’re not in church.  Contact your bank to set this up.

d.      Writing a check and mailing: Make a check payable to:

                                                                   Forbes United Methodist Church

                                                                   33 Grove Street

                                                                   Proctor, MN 55810

           To give to a specific area of ministry, please use the memo/or space on the check or a personal note.

  • Service
  • Witness                                         If you would like to make an online

                                                                   Contribution, please click on the Donate Now

                                                                    link to the right.  You will be directed to an

                                                                    External site.


We THANK YOU for your gift of financial support for our missions and ministries.